Sunday, February 10, 2013

information graphics, diagrams, flowcharts, mind maps etc

…which relate to #introphil how? Surely logic cannot be irrelevant (especially not to thinking, knowledge and questions, all central to Introduction to Philosophy. OK I admit it: the real reason is that this graphic reminded me of a recent comment exchange/conversation with @Gordon_L about mind maps and the Wordle image I created for my last #introphil post. This is a flow chart because of a) that reminder and b) I couldn't find one about mind maps. There may not be a mind map humor category although some can be amusing, if not intentionally so. The same could be said of some philosophical arguments. Could the model below adapt to a Gettier Case?

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

#introphil: Into Week 2 but still stuck in Week 1

Behind on blogging, I resort to meatball textual analysis: a Wordle of the Week 1 transcript. Note that thinking and questions rank much higher than answers or even meaning. Encouraging...
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