Monday, October 24, 2011

World Lit Mags

The Review Review's lit mag news goes global this issue ~ but without interfering with usual interviews, book reviews, writing and publishing tips ~ featuring Flash Fiction and what it's about.

Firstly, it's not easy to fund a literary magazine when your finances are being bankrolled by the CIA. But Transition, a journal founded in Kampala, Uganda, has faced this very challenge and many others, ultimately gaining attention from Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates and Ghani, I am slightly older, but still slightly foolish. That's why I'm still on it."
Read the rest at World Lit Mags

"Rose by Any Other Name"

Umberto Eco on translation as negotiation, language and meaning. Read it. Yet more Eco on Porta Ludovica. Quotes and more: Eco is so quotable.... and of course, all PL is yet another irresistible item for the ravenous feed reader

Umberto Eco

Eco as reader of Colin Wilson
When all the archetypes burst out shamelessly, we plumb the depths of Homeric profundity. Two cliches make us laugh but a hundred cliches moves us because we sense dimly that the cliches are talking among themselves, celebrating a reunion . . . Just as the extreme of pain meets sensual pleasure, and the extreme of perversion borders on mystical energy, so too the extreme of banality allows us to catch a glimpse of the Sublime.
-- "Casablanca: Cult Movies and Intertextual Collage" (1984) from Travels in Hyperreality
A narrator should not supply interpretations of his work; otherwise he would have not written a novel, which is a machine for generating interpretations.
-- Postscript to The Name of the Rose (1984)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Belated Bookish Links

Laid back: Samuel Beckett in Dublin in August 1948, enlarged from a small, grainy photograph. Courtesy of the Beckett International Foundation, University of Reading
Beckett, Dublin 1948, Beckett Foundation

“One of the great productions of literary scholarship of our time,” the Beckett letters (via @seanjcostello). * Who is César Aira? * An encounter with the keepers of the Flannery O’Connor legacy. * Inside William Faulkner’s drinks cabinet. * F. Scott Fitzgerald’s guide to the good life. * The recipe for Anthony Burgess‘ infamous cocktail Hangman’s Blood. * From Baggot Street Bridge, a Patrick Kavanagh app. * When T.S. Eliot met Ezra Pound. * “I have been boiled in a hell-broth.” T.S. Eliot writes to Virginia Woolf.

* “This kind of long gestation period is pretty typical for America’s corps of young, elite celebrity novelists. Jonathan Franzen took nine years…Donna Tartt vanished for a decade…Michael Chabon has gone seven years between major novels.” * DBC Pierre & Nicholson Baker’s fictional excesses. * On “great American cynic” Ambrose Bierce (via Vol. 1 Brooklyn).

* Los Angeles, London, New York: when fiction makes real-world cities “better* ... Stephen Crowe tells Her Royal Majesty why he’s illustrating Finnegans Wake.

More on Stephen’s blog:

Welcome to the Occupations

From the Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities, don’t be afraid to say “revolution”, #OWS. The "Last Place Aversion" Paradox: Ilyana Kuziemko and Michael I. Norton on the surprising psychology of the Occupy Wall Street protests .... 
As the OWS protest blossoms across America, they are no doubt being watched over by the country’s patron saint of civil disobedience — Herman Melville’s Bartleby. 
.... Immanuel Wallerstein on the fantastic success of Occupy Wall Street.... Nouriel Roubini on why almost every continent on Earth is experiencing social and political turmoil. In three months, an idea and a hashtag became a worldwide movement — here’s how they did it....Scott McLemee interviews four professors who are tracking the movement. What will become of Occupy Wall Street? A protest historian’s guide. Harvard Business Review on what businesses need to know about #OWS. ...

Read all of Welcome to the occupations at Omnivore

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Introducing transliteracy

This is one of the readings for Week 4 of CMC11, Creativity and Multicultural Communication. Transliteracies sure sounds like Multiliteracies. Is there any significant difference other than the discipline of origin?  More emphasis on sociocultural aspects? I vaguely remember related (internet mediated cross cultural or transnational communication) terms from the late 90's that seem to have all but disappeared from use. Are there other related terms? 


Introducing transliteracy

    • Transliteracy is recent terminology gaining currency in the library world. It is a broad term encompassing and transcending many existing concepts.
      • Transliteracy is such a new concept that its working definition is still evolving and many of its tenets can easily be misinterpreted.
        • Transliteracy originated with the cross-disciplinary Transliteracies Project group, headed by Alan Liu from the Department of English at the University of California-Santa Barbara. The main focus of that group is the study of online reading.
          • The term has its basis in the word transliterate, which means “to write or print a letter or word using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or language.”
            • transliteracy is concerned with mapping meaning across different media and not with developing particular literacies about various media.
              • interaction among all these literacies
                • “the ability to read, write and interact across a range of platforms, tools and media from signing and orality through handwriting, print, TV, radio and films, to digital social networks.”
                  • working definition of transliteracy
                    • Basically, transliteracy is concerned with what it means to be literate in the 21st century.
                      • social networking, but is fluid enough to not be tied to any particular technology. It focuses more on the social uses of technology
                        • Transliteracy is very concerned with the social meaning of literacy.

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